Time To Step up and Be the Expert You Are
One of my best friends is a phenomenal graphic designer. Recently, she created an entire custom suite of invitation materials for her own...
What's missing in the world because you're not doing it?
Often times, when we lose someone special to us, we feel despondent or distressed. Sometimes the only way to describe this feeling is...
On African Violets and Messy Growth
You can still make beautiful things in imperfect places. I come from a family of green thumbs. My parents keep a greenhouse, two porches,...
What To Do When You're Not Feeling Creative
Say goodbye to wasted time, shoddy work...and maybe even writer's block! Last week I had a piece of creative writing work to do, but I...
4 Ways To Develop Strong Writing Habits
Get ready for the New Year by practicing these writing disciplines now If you’ve set any sort of writing goal for yourself, odds are it...